Associated Koi Clubs of America

Prairieland Koi & Pond Society is a member of AKCA.
AKCA has a great magazine. The Society encourages all members to subscribe to this informative and educational tool; you will
receive the latest and most current information concerning all aspects of Pond ownership. You get a lower subscription price
due to our Society being a member of AKCA.
To subscribe at the lower rate, download an application form here.
The AKCA is sponsoring a project to learn more about Koi Herpes Virus, in order to save our fish from a certain death. Click
the picture below to learn more, and how you can help.
Koi Information
Here's a site with a lot of useful info. The resource for keeping Nishikigoi.
Our relationship with began on the internet. Eponds contacted the president, Ledean Paden and offered to support
the society with discounts, specials and a percentage of the area sales to our society.
Grass Roots Nursery
Has been in the nursery business for over 25 years. 18 years of that in the pond construction and aquatic plants. Their
experience will make it easy for you. In addition to being the largest water garden supplier in Michigan, they carry one of
the largest selections of cold water fish and critters in the mid-west, with over 40 high density tanks, all of which contain
over 200 gallons each.
I have ordered plants from this store and been pleased with the quality of the product. I ordered the same plant from another
water garden supply store in Florida and the plants were about dead when I got them. None of them lived!
I. W. G. S.
This site's official name is International Waterlily and Water Gardening Society. You may subscribe to their magazine
and automatically become a member. This society is made up of the leading people in pond, fish and waterplant development,
so you can just imagine how indepth their magazine is! They also have a yearly symposium you can attend.
Kawarimono Koi Page
Here's an interesting page. If you thought you knew all the varios types of Koi then test your knowledge here.This is
cool site with many types of Koi depicted with pictures of each breed. Click on the KOI CLASIFICATIONS link on the left. This
is a site dedicated to Koi pond and water garden equipment and supplies. Find everything from pond design, to pond liners,
filters, water pumps, UV sterilizers, brass sculptures, plus much more.